Millet TV splash screen how to do? Several solutions introduced

Millet TV splash screen how to do? Although millet TV service is not bad, millet TV has any problems can get the maintenance of millet home, but the use of millet TV in life occasionally met with two small problems, can not always return, you can solve their own solution. What happens when we use a millet TV to have a splash screen? The following describes the cause and solution of the splash screen in Xiaomi TV.

Millet TV splash screen reason

Millet TV splash screen may be caused by many reasons, if it is an external signal such as input signal or voltage instability is well resolved; if it is internal structural damage may need repair or repair shop repair.

Millet TV splash screen internal causes and solutions

1, millet TV screen problems

Solution: The LED Light is broken. There is no way to solve it. Apply for after-sales service.

2, millet TV internal high-voltage board chip problem

Solution: The chip inside the millet TV's internal high voltage board is broken, causing the high voltage board voltage output to be unstable on the screen. This may also cause the screen splash phenomenon and also require repair.

3, millet TV internal circuit problems

Solution: If the internal drive circuit of the LCD TV is unstable or damaged, please repair it at a repair shop or a professional.

Millet TV splash screen external causes and solutions

1, millet TV input signal instability

Solution: If you are not in a hurry, you can wait for a while. After the signal is stable, there will be no splash.

2, millet TV voltage instability

Solution: If the voltage instability causes the millet TV splash screen, you need to turn off the millet TV first, and then turn on the millet TV after the voltage is normal.

3, the display screen is not stable

Solution: The cable connection is not stable. Simply connect the power supply and close it. These problems are easy to solve.

Millet TV splash screen how to do? After the millet TV has a splash screen, it can first determine whether it is an internal or external cause. Then select the appropriate solution according to the above conditions.


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