Microsoft released two new controllers to simulate the real touch of the VR experience

You embrace the other half in the virtual world, but in reality, you can only pounce on the air, fall, and then disappoint.

The distinction between virtual and reality lies in feelings. “Real feeling” is an important part of VR immersion.

At present, the touch feedback of most VR experiences is realized by the vibration of the game controller or other peripheral components, but all the feelings are simply summarized as "vibration", and it is easy to "play" in the actual experience. Four researchers at Microsoft Research recently made two new controllers that simulate the touch of a finger at any time.

Microsoft released two new controllers that simulate the real touch of the VR experience

NormalTouch allows you to touch the surface of a virtual object to understand the shape of the object; TextureTouch helps the user feel the texture and texture of the object through mechanical activation. From the demo video, Microsoft's two controllers use optical tracking technology, and the VR header used is the Oculus Rift DK2.

NormalTouch: Feel the general shape of the object Microsoft released two new controllers that simulate the real touch of the VR experience

The NormalTouch core assembly section is a small disc that provides force feedback to the finger surface. When you touch a sphere in your VR with your finger, the controller adjusts the angle according to the shape of the sphere and the orientation of the finger, allowing you to “find out” the shape of the sphere.

Microsoft released two new controllers that simulate the real touch of the VR experience

From the demo video, NormalTouch can also be used as an input device. Users can press the small disc to form pressure, the controller can recognize the strength you apply, and you can also “push” with different strengths to make “small” The ball "implements different scrolling effects.

Microsoft released two new controllers that simulate the real touch of the VR experience TextureTouch: Feel the texture of the object Microsoft released two new controllers that simulate the real touch of the VR experience

According to the MS Power User report, TextureTouch accurately represents the structural characteristics of an object by using several drive pointer matrices. The pointer can constantly change position to simulate the surface texture of the object. This controller allows the user to feel a finer texture of the object. When the finger touches a virtual corner, the controller allows the user to feel the shape of the corner and the sharp touch.

Microsoft released two new controllers that simulate the real touch of the VR experience

Although both Oculus and Valve have controllers, the tactile feedback provided by the two products is not perfect, and Microsoft's NormalTouch and TextureTouch will bring new development ideas to the VR controller. Officials have not disclosed the production costs of these two controllers.

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