Apple's first smart home device exposure: see next week

In the middle of this month, Apple made a statement through the Wall Street Journal that the first smart home device that supports the HomeKit platform will be released in the upcoming June, instead of being delayed in rumors. Now it may appear that it is more than expected. fast.

According to foreign media reports, several furniture companies have adapted the HomeKit platform in recent months and it is expected that five of them will announce their own HomeKit products as soon as next week. At this time, Google just introduced the system code-named "Project Brillo" at the I/O Conference. The purpose is to enter the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart home areas.

Apple's HomeKit platform was released at last year's Global Developer Conference. We expect to see physical products after WWDC on June 8 after a year. However, vendors release hardware similar to WWDC's date, and Apple may not have time to produce third parties. The product is previewed, but with these WWDC vendors will receive the same high degree of attention.

There are rumors that Apple may launch a "Home" application in iOS 9, providing users with a virtual room overview, with Siri will have a better interactive experience, will be able to easily manage HomeKit smart home devices, when Apple TV can also serve as a control center.

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